The DOWNSIDE- Ways to make money online
Well, I must say I am very discouraged with online sites. Ehow was a great site to make money online until they pulled the carpet under our feet. I was very disappointed at first, that we could no longer write new "How To's" but was happy to see what we did write we can still make money on. Although the amount went down, I still can count on a check for $65 a month and I have not written in 6 months.
Zazzle is still pretty good. I have not made any new products and I make money every month, about $50 a month.
The past 3 months I have turned my focuses to Mahalo. (That is why I have not been blogging.) I seen great potential to REALLY MAKE MONEY ONLINE there! The second month I made $325, and this is my third month and payout looks like about $825. I was answering questions, asking questions, managing pages I wrote (about 100!) and was on the Guru team. Once again the rug has been pulled from under me. Just as I found a legitimate way to really make big bucks (I had figured I would have been up to $2000 a month in 6 months or less) Mahalo changed. But we do NOT get to keep the pages we wrote. They all have been taking from us, so no more adsense earnings on them. I feel cheated and so discouraged. How can Mahalo do this? They have hired just 50 Guide managers to manage all the pages people wrote and to make new pages. They will get paid $1000 to $1500 a month. Of course I did not get picked. There were hundreds of applicants and little spots, I am too new, the veterans got the spots. The pay for the rest of us on questions and answers can not be cashed out, you can buy a gift card period. I have been waiting for the big LOTTERY. I spent the past 3 months writing and working at Mahalo 13 hours a day. I gave my heart, sweat and tears, and it is gone. So who gets all the adsense earnings from the pages we and I wrote? Mahalo, of course. If that is not stealing, I do not know what is.
The DOWNSIDE- Ways to make money online
I wrote this article, just blogging my feelings. I am now doing well at blogging since I have put alot more energy and time into it. I guess I finally learned the tricks of the trade.
So, back to trying the blog again. It has not paid in the past, we shall see.