The biggest mistakes people make blogging
I do consider myself a successful blogger. I was stuck at $100 a month for months. I decided that was all I would ever make blogging, so I would just not write anymore and collect the money every month.
I earn money at several places on the internet. When one of the biggest sites I earned money at went under, I turned back to blogging. That was less than a year ago. I went from $100 a month, to earnings of $2400 which I earned last month. This was all in less than a year.
I have learned alot about blogging. Finally everything came together in my mind. I see what mistakes I have made, and hope to share so you do not make the same biggest mistakes as I did.
The biggest mistakes people make blogging #1
People want money quick these days. That is usually not going to happen with blogging. You need patience. Write as much as you can the first few months, then maintain. Once you have built a nice library of blog posts continue blogging once a day, twice a day. Just come up with a schedule and stick to it.
The biggest mistakes people make blogging #2
One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting out blogging is not repeating your "main words" or topic. In other words, this blog is called "The biggest mistakes people make blogging." I have it as my blog title, mentioned many times through the blog and have it as a label. This way the robots in internet land understand what my blog is about and people can find my articles.
The biggest mistakes people make blogging #3
People planning or hoping to make money blogging often forget to get the blog out there! After I write a post, I tweet it, share it on Facebook, add it to Digg and Shetoldme. I also add it to the search engines link Google and Bing.
Click here to add url to Bing
Click Here to add your url to Google!
One of the last mistakes people make blogging is giving up after a topic does not work. I have many different blogs at blogger. Some do well and some I have only written a few dozen posts and then stopped. Will you make tons of money on any blog you have just started, no. Pennies trickle in at first. I do not like to put my eggs in one basket. If I am making not a cent after many posts, that is a sign to me that subject may not be any good.
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