Quit Your Day Job and Earn Full Time Income From Home
The truth is I earn full time income from home. I did not actually quit a day job, I was an at home Mom prior to earning full time income from home. This took a load off of my spouses back and the best part, I get to make my own hours and although my kids are now older teens, I can be here whenever they need me.
Let me show you how to quit your day job and like so many of us.... earn full time income from home.
For starters, do not expect to become rich overnight. It is just not a realistic goal. Earning full time income will take time. So for now, do not yet quit your full time job, just be patient.
Where I earn my income from:
I have been a seller and trading assistant on Ebay now for many years. This remains to be great income. I also earn money from blogging. Last month, just from my Google Adsense I earned over $2000. This included my blogs and my YouTube Videos. I earn minimal monthly income at Zazzle. That usually ranges from $50 to $150 a month.
In the past, I have earned income from Ehow, Associated Content and even Lulu. Ehow went under and occasionally I will get a check at Lulu for a few E-books I wrote.
In order to quit your day job and earn full time income from home, you must be willing to try many things. I never put all my eggs in one basket. I have failed at more sites than I succeeded at.
Blogging is a great way to earn money, you can read some of my other posts to see how I do that. Other legitimate sites that pay for writing are Bukisa, Demand Studios (parent company of Ehow), The Examiner and Associated Content. Demand and The Examiner require you to fill out an application and then you may or may not get hired. They both pay well.
I spend little time uploaded art and pictures to Zazzle but love making money there. Perhaps if I put more time in there, earnings would go up. It is a super fun place to make money! It is residual.
In closing, do as I did and start at a few sites. Start slow and let your library or work build. Give your self set goals and accomplish them. Who knows where you can be in 6 months. My YouTube library consisted of just 10 videos. To my surprise I received an email out of the blue that I had enough views to be monetized.
Did you know how to make money blogging