Friday, April 2, 2010

Beginner Guide: Make Money Working from Home

Beginner Guide: Make money Working from Home

I will rank the sites that I feel are the best for a beginner (or beyond) to make money at working from home, but first let me share something.

Do not fall victim to online scams. Do not pay money upfront, there are too many legitimate sites that really pay. If you have to give money in the beginning or anytime, move on.

To make money working from home will take work, obviously the more time you put into your business, the better, especially in the beginning.

On to my Beginner guide list of great places to make money working from home.

#1 Ebay
You can start at Ebay by selling things you have in your home. Feel free to read my earlier blog of how to turn Ebay into a full time business.

#2 Ehow
Write at Ehow and earn residual income- That just means what you write today, you will still be making money on a year from now. Perfect for the beginner or established writer. You can make great money here, top earners are making $2000 and up, a month. Update, Ehow is no longer taking writers. Demand Studios owned Ehow and is a great place to write at and make money!

#3 Zazzle
Turn your work or art into T-shirts, Posters, invitations etc. Place them in the marketplace there and watch your money come in!

Those three sites are perfect for the beginner and in my experience have shown to be the most profitable. Working from home myself for many years, I personally do not put all "My Eggs" in one basket. I love having money come in from all over the place every month. Update, I have spent maybe 5 hours on Zazzle in the past 8 months and I am earning between $50 and $150 a month. Love it, great place to make money working from home and perfect for a beginner or anyone!

And on with my Beginner Guide: Make Money Working from Home list!

Write a book or E-book at Lulu! You write and publish your work here for free, then it is up in the marketplace. Lulu gets a percentage of every sale! And so do you. Once your book is written, you just sit back and wait for sales and then you have time to try the other sites I mention, as you are raking in the money!

#5 Blog
I personally do not make tons of money blogging, but I am just getting started. Blogger is a very popular place to write and make money. Update. I am now earning great money from home blogging here. Last month my earnings were at $2400.

#6 and #7 go along with #5 Clickbank & Amazon
On your blog you will be making money from Adsense, and you can open an account with Clickbank & Amazon. Place the ads on your blog and make MORE money!! Update, I now only use Google Adsense. These did not seem to pay off.

I would like to take a moment here to add a few thoughts. My #8, 9 and 10 are places to make money, but I feel the above mentioned sites are better. In my experience, my top three are HEADS above the rest as the best places to make money! Can you make money at the sites I am about to mention, yes. But I would try the first 3 FIRST.

Back to Beginner Guide: Make Money Working from Home, the list.

#8 Fiverr
This is a silly place that asks "What would you do for $5" Write what you would do, and make money!

Associated Content
You can write here and make money. They pay up front and residual. The upfront payment is "OK" but the residual money is not the greatest.

#10 Mahalo
Answer questions at Mahalo and make money. Update, Mahalo has changed quite a bit. They now only accept applications for writers. It is a great legitimate place to work at. I still earn money here every month!

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